TSP Ep. 99: Trees

trees_coverEpisode 99 of Trade Secrets is now available! On our penultimate episode, the TSP crew discusses the Fantastic Flop, being an asshole for your fandom, and the Warren Ellis/Jason Howard slow-burn speculative sci-fi book TREES!

THERE IS ONLY ONE EPISODE OF TRADE SECRETS LEFT! That’s right, the show will be ending for good with episode 100. We’d love to hear from fans for our final show, so if you have a favorite moment, favorite book we’ve reviewed, or favorite episode of the show, please let us know by e-mailing tradesecrets@geekerific.com, and we’ll read your comment on the show!

Subscribe to the show on iTunes or by clicking on the feed to the right, or download this individual episode HERE!

TSP Ep. 80: Transmetropolitan Long-Read

transmetropolitan_coverAfter a one week delay, episode 80 of Trade Secrets is now available! On this episode, the TSP crew discusses the Silver Surfer’s endowment, Doctor Domashev’s D&D alignment, and the entire run of Warren Ellis & Darick Robertson’s iconic TRANSMETROPOLITAN!

Subscribe to the show on iTunes or by clicking on the feed to the right, or download this individual episode HERE!