Luke Matthews is a writer, board gamer, beer drinker, and all-around geek. He currently lives in the Seattle area with his wife, two cats, and two German wirehaired pointers.

Taking A Social Media Break

So, I’m taking some time off of social media. I’ve done it once before, and the result was better than I could’ve expected. It’s a bit of an outrage-reset, if you will. So much of social media, any more, tends to be all about The Next Big Outrage. Peripheral, meaningless discussion turns into blathering, pointless rage (in the case of my feeds, nerd rage) at the drop of a hat… or quote… or piece of cover artwork.

It gets exhausting.

I’m on social media to have fun and connect with like-minded people. On balance, social media is a wildly positive experience for me. I’ve met some very good friends and had some wonderful interactions with some of my favorite creators of art on Facebook and Twitter. So, when it reaches a point where I start feeling put upon by my feeds, I know it’s time to take a step back.

Intellectually, I know that my (carefully curated) feeds are a positive force in my life. Emotionally, though, they can start to feel like a slog – an anger-ridden pit of hostility. And mostly, it’s because anger is easy. Ranting is the most simplistic response to stimuli. Anger is faster and more instantly gratifying than reason.

And even though I try to be reasonable – to look deeper into an issue before blowing my hate-wad all over the internet – I still find myself being sucked into the negativity vortex without really knowing it’s happened. I’ll hear a piece of news and start typing up my knee-jerk response, then immediately delete it (on a good day) or hit “post” without thinking (on the worst days).

It’s a hole that’s not easy to climb out of by degrees, because I’ll have sunk so far before noticing the pull that I can’t just inch my way back out. Hence, the break, a cold-turkey cutoff.

Although I’m finding the timing of this one to be a bit awkward. Initially, I picked April as my month off for two reasons:

First, absolutely despise April Fool’s Day. I’ve never been much for trickery to get a laugh at another’s expense, but before the internet April Fool’s Day was at least mostly tolerable. A truly good AFD prank use to require effort and planning, but now this stupid fucking day just turns the entire internet into an utterly untrustworthy cesspool. So I decided to skip it.

Second, I’m taking a vacation at the end of the month, and I wanted to do it without social media being involved. I wanted to focus on being away, to engage in experiences that were just for me and my wife, rather than feeling the need to share them with all of my Friendz and Followerz.

But here’s where it gets awkward: Emerald City ComiCon just wrapped up. For the first time in a while, I managed to meet a TON of new friends at the convention. I met fans of Trade Secrets, online buddies from Twitter, some of my favorite comic creators, and a group of speculative fiction authors with whom I’ve had varying levels of online interaction. And now, just after I met all these people, and have a chance to reinforce those friendships and interactions with social media (the whole point of social media, IMO)… I bail.

Part of taking breaks like this is learning to unplug, and learning that my social life isn’t going to fall apart when I do. My hope is that, in a world of instant gratification and bite-sized interactions, the new friends I’ve made and relationships I’ve kindled will still be strong when I return. For right now, though… I need some time for me.

So, I’ll be back in a month. In the meantime, if you really want to interact with me, feel free to buy a copy of my book, Construct, and – if you like it – leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Or, you can e-mail me. One of the two (although, I prefer the former).

Reddit AMA Transcript

My AMA on Reddit /r/Fantasy a couple of weeks ago was a rousing success. I received a ton of support and questions, so I thought I’d post an edited transcript here, since it’s effectively an author interview. It’s a nice mix of serious and goofball questions, and I had a great time answering them. Hopefully this is a better format for some of you Reddit-averse readers out there.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself.

A: I grew up on fantasy. My dad shoved The Hobbit into my hands at a very young age, and while I liked it, I wasn’t really a huge Tolkien fan. The first fantasy that really struck me was David Eddings’s The Belgariad. It’s pulpier than most, but it’s still my favorite, and holds a very special place in my heart. I quickly fell down the fantasy and sci-fi rabbit hole, and never climbed back out.

I’m a geek of nearly every stripe. I’ve been a video gamer since the Commodore Vic-20. I’ve been playing D&D and other RPGs since I was eight years old. I LARPed for almost fifteen years (mostly in NERO and Amtgard). I love board and card games. I read a ton of comic books (and host a comic book podcast called Trade Secrets).

I worked in the gaming industry – first at Wizards of the Coast, then at Nintendo – ever since graduating college in 1998. Due to the good graces of my wonderful wife, I left Nintendo in 2013 to pursue writing full time.

Random (Not-Necessarily-Geeky) Things:

  • I play a lot of poker, and have a weekly home game.
  • I’m a Seattle Sounders and Pittsburgh Steelers fan.
  • I absolutely love to cook.
  • I love craft beer and scotch.

Q: What were your positions at WotC and Nintendo? As a follow up, do you think working within the tabletop and video gaming industries informed your writing at all?

A: I held several positions at both.

I started at WotC as an intern, moved into customer service, and then worked in R&D for about a year-and-a-half before being laid off in one of their recurring purges. At Nintendo I started as a game tester, then moved over to Lotcheck – their version of certification testing. My last position there was part of the 3-person team under Dan Adelman that handled the distribution of all of Nintendo’s digital titles for WiiWare, DSiWare, and the eShop on 3DS and Wii U.

I definitely think my time at WotC influenced my writing. Getting to see the nuts-and-bolts of RPG development gave me a fantastic view into the process of building a world from scratch. Even though I wasn’t directly involved, I had access to a lot of meetings and materials that gave me a ton of insight.

Although my time at Nintendo didn’t directly influence my writing, being a game tester for seven years had a direct effect on my editing and troubleshooting abilities. I’m super detail-oriented and anal about quality, and used a lot of those skills when creating and bug-testing the eBook versions of Construct.

Fun Note: Although the idea for Construct predates my time at WotC by a bit, the first time I was spurred to actually write any of it down was during a call for novel submissions that was open to WotC employees. Although he didn’t have a name yet, in that version my main character Samuel was a warforged in the Eberron setting.

Q: Did your time at Wizards of the Coast inspire to write about Constructs rather than people?

A: Not specifically, no. The idea for Construct came to me in college, a couple of years before I started working at WotC. For many years the idea was pretty amorphous, though, teetering back-and-forth between fantasy and sci-fi (the sci-fi version centered around an android rather than a construct). It’s always been a story about an artificial being’s plight.

Q: Character Development in Construct is very well done. Will we see more twists and turns for Eri, Pare, and Jacob?

A: Thank you for the compliment! Characters are important to me, so knowing that my character development worked for a reader is fantastic. To answer your question: Absolutely, yes. We’ll see all of those characters again in roles of varying importance. I don’t want to get too specific for fear of spoilers. If you know how the first book ended you know why I’m being a bit vague here. 🙂

Q: Being a long time comic book fan, is Samuel more of an anti-hero, a forced hero, a distraction for the readers?

A: Hrm. This is a tough one. I definitely wouldn’t call him an anti-hero, and he’s not intended as a distraction. I’d say Samuel starts off as a somewhat archetypical forced hero, but eventually overcomes his reticence and starts driving his own narrative. That was really my intention: I wanted Samuel to take charge once he garnered some inkling of what was going on; to overcome his doubt and fear and start taking charge of his own fate.

Q: What are your preferred scotches?

A: One of the best I’ve ever had was Glenfiddich 21, but I can’t afford it regularly. Glenlivet Nadurra is pretty fantastic, as is Glenfiddich 18. One of my wife’s favorites is Dalmore 15, which I also enjoy. She brought back a bottle of Tomintoul 16 from a business trip to Scotland that I’m very fond of. I don’t usually like very peaty scotches, but she also brought back a bottle of Jura Prophecy that’s really fucking good.

Q: What do you find are some of the biggest hurdles for indie writers to over come?

A: Exposure, hands down. Discoverability for indie books is a bitch. Readers need to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, and most don’t have the time or inclination to sift through thousands of books. Right now, there isn’t a solid mechanism for curating self-published content.

Since indie authors don’t really have advocates or (man, I hate this term) gatekeepers, we have to walk a razor’s edge between self-promotion and professionalism. It’s something that’s constantly at odds, for me. I struggle to strike a balance between pimping my own work and not being “that guy”. Finding the right signal-to-noise ratio is probably the hardest thing I’ve dealt with.

Q: If you could collaborate with any writer, living or dead, who would it be?

A: Fhew… My knee-jerk answer is David & Leigh Eddings. The Belgariad and The Malloreon are such a huge part of my childhood and reading life that I would’ve loved to have collaborated on a story set in that world. I recently participated in a giveaway that asked what character I’d like to see a short story based on, to which I answered Silk from The Belgariad. I’d love to have worked with the Eddings’s on such a story.

I’ve been introduced to a ton of fantastic authors since The Belgariad, though. Some of my recent favorites have been Ann Leckie, Daniel Abraham, and Kameron Hurley, so they might make the list, as well.

Q: How did you get the cover made for Construct?

A: When I decided to self-publish, I began looking online for cover artists. There are so many. One of my favorite artists from RPGs and my time at WotC is Wayne Reynolds, who is currently the key cover artist for most Pathfinder books. On a whim, I contacted him – just to see, you know? – and I was quoted a $8,000-$12,000 for a full-color cover commission. I had my little chuckle, and continued searching.

I contacted Jon Schindihette, whom I knew from working at Wizards. He used to be their managing art director. I didn’t know Jon super-well – I’d spoken with him a few times at WotC and I’m friends with him on Facebook – but he was extremely helpful. I gave him the parameters of the cover and told him my price range, and he was able to give me a short list of up-and-coming artists who fit the bill.

Of the artists he suggested, it only took one look for me to land on Carmen Sinek. Her work is fantastic, and she was right in my range. My collaboration with her was absolutely amazing. We had a great dialogue through the whole process, and the final cover completely exceeded my expectations. I go into a little more detail about the process in this blog post. You can check out her work at

My advice for indie authors looking for good cover art:

  1. Be willing to pay for a good artist. There are plenty of decent, affordable artists out there, but set your expectations of cost higher than what you see spoken of online if you want real quality.
  2. Don’t be a control freak. The image of your cover in your mind is great and all, but give the artist leeway to create. They’re the one with knowledge of design, color, and composition; let them use it. You’re not just paying for a finished piece of art, you’re paying for an artist’s skill, experience, and expertise, which you do not possess.

Q: There are writers who write short stories and share them freely on their websites to maintain interest in their books between novels and to create buzz when a novel is near completion. Would you consider writing some stories about the secondary characters in Construct? Also, you can offer free short stories on Amazon to promote your book. What are your thoughts on this?

A: The idea is fantastic… I’m not sure it would work for me, though. I don’t have many ideas for short stories surrounding these characters that I wouldn’t just incorporate into the main narrative. On top of that, I’m – frankly – not very good at short fiction.

There are several things I also have to consider:

  1. My production is pretty slow as it is. Every moment I spent writing and revising a short story would feel like time I could be spending on the main book, and would be hard for me to justify in my own mind.
  2. I’m a quality freak. One of the most elucidating experiences of my life was the editorial process I went through on Construct. I’d feel the need to have my short works professionally edited before publication, which is an expense I can’t afford, at the moment.

All of this is not to say that I’d never do something like this, but at this early stage of my writing career I just don’t think I’m really capable of it.

Q: What’s your favorite board game? Favorite sport? Favorite superhero?

A: Favorite…

…Board Game: Right now, it’s probably Lords of Waterdeep. It’s such a fantastic implementation of the Euro-style resource-management mechanic. I can’t get enough of it. Small World ranks really high, too. In fact, we just received our copy of the Small World Designer’s Edition. It’s the best board gaming product I’ve ever seen. We have a ton of board games in our house, though, and beyond those two, I’d have a hard time ranking.

…Sport: It used to be football, but now it’s soccer. A while ago, I had a ton of friends who were into soccer. I had trouble getting into it, because I didn’t have a team to root for (I have trouble watching any sport in which I have no stake). That problem was solved when the Seattle Sounders got a MLS franchise. We decided to become season ticket holders, and over the course of the last 6 seasons, my wife and I have become pretty hardcore soccer fans.

…Superhero: Hm. There are lots of ways I could answer this question, but one of my all-time favorite superhero comics is Robert Kirkman & Ryan Ottley’s Invincible. I love that character and book. In movies, Captain America has become one of my favorites, which is really odd because I can’t stand Cap in the comics.

Q: Earlier, you mentioned that discoverability for indie books was a struggle. What did you do to overcome this?

A: To be honest, I can’t say that I have. I’m a new author, and new to the realm of self-promotion. I’m very lucky that the mods here at /r/Fantasy offer a platform like Writer of the Day for guys like me to try and make my voice heard, but I’ve had a hell of a time trying to get my book in front of readers and out from under the standard self-publishing stigma.

For me, it starts with quality – the first step is a well-written, well-edited, professional product. My ego tells me that I have a story to tell and that I’m the only person who can tell it right. My experience backs that up, but also gives me the vision to realize I can’t do it without editors and artists. So, Construct went through multiple rounds of developmental editing and copy editing, and I spent an immense amount of time designing, building, testing, and tweaking both the eBook and tree-book versions.

The two go hand-in-hand, for me: All the promotion in the world doesn’t matter if the product you’re selling is garbage, and putting effort into a fantastic product won’t matter if no one ever sees it.

Reviews are extraordinarily important to indie works. Reader reviews, yes, but I’m talking about reviews on blogs and bookish publications. Part of the importance is showing readers that someone other than the author is willing to put their voice behind a work. The other part is giving the author a) a platform and b) quotes and tools to add to their self-promotion arsenal. Getting those reviews is the issue, though. I’m not going to go into a lengthy complaint, but I’ve sent out literally hundreds of review requests and have received exactly one website review.

I think sites like Fiction Garden and Genre Underground are steps in the right direction. Websites willing to sift through indie works and provide a place where readers can access curated content that has been vetted by a third party. I’m lucky enough that Construct has earned a spot on Fiction Garden’s “Recommended Reading” list (which, incidentally, is that one review I mentioned earlier). We could use more spaces like this, on a much larger scale.

Q: Who is your favorite Star Trek character?

A: Riker. All the modernity of TNG combined with all of Kirk’s swagger. Second in line, oddly enough, is probably Neelix, and that’s solely for a single line from Voyager (a show I actually don’t like very much): “This ship is the match of any vessel within a hundred light years, and what do they do with it? Oh well, uh, let’s see if we can’t find some spatial anomaly today that might RIP IT APART!

Q: What are your feelings on curry?

A: I haven’t met a curry I don’t like yet. I make Japanese curry rice at home all the time, and I’m working on a home recipe for Thai panang curry at the moment that I haven’t quite perfected. I love Indian food, as well, my favorites being paneer saag and lamb shahi korma.

Q: What’s the best edition of D&D?

A: Oh, what a trap this question is. I grew up playing 2nd Edition Advanced D&D. Usually, when this question gets asked, if the answer is anything that came after, you’re stoned and burned as a heretic.

However, my favorite edition is 3rd Ed./3.5. Granted, I’m a bit biased, having worked at WotC during the development and release of 3/3.5, but I honestly do think that it’s the best of all worlds. It retains the flavor of the older versions but streamlines some really dumb rules and makes the game more accessible to more players.

Like any version, though, the sheer volume of supplements and expansions and extra rules cause the game to drown in its own shitting of the bed, but as a core rules set I loves me some 3.5. I have not yet played 5th Edition.

Q: You are stuck on a deserted island with three books. Knowing you’ll be reading these three over and over again, what three do you bring?

A: This is a supremely hard question to answer. The vast majority of books that I absolutely love are parts of series’, so if I’m restricted to three books and not three series, I have a very hard time figuring out what I’d take. But here’s my go at it:

Belgarath The Sorcerer by David & Leigh Eddings. I’m so in love with The Belgariad that this had to be on the list. I can re-read this book pretty much infinitely.

Timeline by Michael Crichton. I’m a giant Crichton fan, in general, and this is, without question, his best book. An amazing adventure.

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Even though this is part of a series, it stands well enough alone on its own, and is one of my favorite individual novels of all-time.

This whole list goes out the window if I can pick series instead of individual books, though.

Q: I was in choir practice in my primary school and we always had to pay attention to our conductor. There was a boy in the year above me who always got very confused because his name was Luke and the man was always shouting ‘LOOK’ at us instead of ‘Luke’. Except for the times where he’d actually shout Luke. As a result the poor kid was always on his toes.

Has there ever been a time where you have had your name confused with the word ‘look’? If so, what happened?

A: Not in the way you describe, no.

However, you’d be surprised at the sheer number of times someone has attempted to spell my name “Look” when I tell it to them. It’s shocking.

There are really only two ways to spell Luke: L-U-K-E, or L-U-C if you’re French. And yet, somehow, I’ll tell people (bank tellers, especially) my name is Luke and they’ll try Look and Luck and Leuk and Louk.

Every single one of those has been an actual attempt by someone to spell my name.

Q: What is your favorite way to eat ice cream?

A: For most of my life, my favorite way has been the most simple: in a bowl, drizzled in chocolate syrup.

But about a year-and-a-half ago, I was on vacation in Australia and was introduced to a new favorite:

French toast, made with cinnamon-swirl bread (or a slice of cinnamon roll), topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, drizzled in butterscotch, with crushed macadamia nuts sprinkled on top.



Q: I’ve long been interested in the differences between writing short fiction and novels. What do you think are the main differences between the two, and do you think your writing mind works better with novels?

A: I once saw the basics of storytelling split into four overarching parts: prose, character, plot, and world-building. In my experience, short fiction must be primarily focused on prose and plot, where long-form fiction has more leeway to concentrate on the other two.

(Note: An argument can be made, with which I tend to agree, that world-building should exist as a supplement to the other three, and should never overshadow any of them.)

A short story is a vignette; an interesting moment in time. It tends to explore a single decision, an individual or a small group of people, a particularly stirring style of prose, a focused experience. Longer (novel-length) works are concerned more with action, reaction, and consequence, and long-term development of plot, world, and character.

Where long fiction allows the author to explore how their characters’ actions affect their fictional worlds, successful short fiction – at least standalone short fiction that’s not supplemental to a longer work – either a) isn’t always concerned with the larger ramifications or b) is willing to leave the extrapolation of such implications to the reader.

I tend to be a fairly linear writer, primarily because I’m always concerned with the downstream effects as I’m writing. Even if I’m developing or writing a scene out of order, my mind is always swirling both with “How did we get here?” and “Where does this lead?”. I struggle with presenting a short snippet of a story, because my mind is always framing it in a larger context. I haven’t yet been successful in settling myself down to just present that interesting vignette, at least not without burying it in obvious cliche.

Q: What types of characters do you generally play in LARP?

A: Healers and fighters, mostly a combination of the two. You asked me a nerdy question, so this is going to be a sufficiently nerdy answer:

Most of my LARPing history was concentrated on games like Amtgard and Belegarth, which are more skill-intensive than LARPs like NERO or Legacies, which are more roleplay-intensive. And I mean “skill-intensive” literally: their combat systems tend to be more athletic in nature, rather than built to support a roleplay framework.

So, in both environments I found myself playing what is affectionately called a “regenerating warrior”. In the case of Amtgard, this meant that I played the Healer class, but spent a ton of my skill points on weaponry (sword and shield, to be specific), eschewing all but a few healing spells that allowed me to keep moving after taking a wound.

I found myself leaning in this direction regardless of the game I was playing. I just enjoy the play-style. I spent a lot of time and energy becoming a decent fighter, and supplemented that with in-game abilities that let me repair or ignore an opponent’s attacks.

Q: What made you go a different route than the usual war/mages/farmboy route? Did you consciously try to write a book that was different?

A: Absolutely.

When I first had the idea, it was nothing more than “Artificial being with scrambled memories being chased for something he’s seen.” As time passed, the more I read and the more I learned about writing, I started thinking about the stereotypes I wanted to avoid, and how I wanted my story to progress.

I wasn’t – and still am not – looking to write “epic” fantasy. My books – at least The Chronicler Saga – aren’t about huge battles or ancient mages returning to glory or adventurers surviving amongst warring gods or the ascension of a lowly nothing to the ranks of legendary heroes. I want to tell more character-centric stories, and focus on some non-standard protagonists.

Hopefully I succeeded.

Q: How far are you on Book 2? Will it be out before George RR Martin’s next book?

A: Jesus, I hope so. 🙂

I’m definitely a slow writer by self-publishing standards, but I’m trying to work on that. I’m currently on chapter 4 of Book 2, and have ramped up quite a bit in the last week.

I was about to make a comment about when I hope to be done with it, but that’s just silly, so I’m going to keep my trap shut.

Readers and Non-Readers

Here’s something weird that I learned over the last year-and-a-half, while finishing and publishing my book: that “reader” – just the generalized term meaning someone who reads books – is a category label of people, much like “gamer” or “comic book fan” or “fantasy sports nut”.

Reading has been an absolutely integral part of my life for literally as long as I can remember. Before I could actually read words, my parents would sit down with me and a picture book, and have me “read” it to them – I’d basically just make shit up. As I grew, they’d start reading those books “with” me, teaching me the actual words on the page.

I could read at a very early age, and my reading comprehension was always well ahead of my grade-level. Reading for enjoyment has never not been a part of my life. I read The Hobbit when I was, I think, 8. I read the Belgariad around my 10th birthday, and I’ve been a fantasy nut ever since. I mean, sure, I go through phases where I’m not in the mood, but I’ve never just shunned books.

Which is why it came as a complete surprise to me that there are people who actively choose not to be “readers”. Nah, fuck books. Pfft. And I’m not talking about people who can’t read (learning disabilities, poor education, what have you), but people who can and choose not to. I have spent my whole life so hopelessly immersed in reading for pleasure that the thought never occurred to me that someone would just eschew it entirely. It just… it feels like someone saying “Nah, I don’t walk. I mean, I can, you know, I just… don’t.”

Whenever I have kids, I hope I have the same success getting them to be lifelong, fervent readers as my parents did with me. I hope, like me, they’re in their 30’s before they even realize that deliberate, intentional non-reading is even a thing.

On Conventions and Complainers

Sigh. Yet another comic book industry professional has decided to project his lagging convention sales onto a segment of the community that has nothing to do with his lagging convention sales. In the tradition of ass-candy like Tony Harris and Denise Dorman, Pat Broderick has jumped onto the cosplay-hater bandwagon to whinge on Facebook about cosplayers ruining conventions and mucking with his bottom line.


I’ll have to admit, when I saw this, my very first reaction was “Who?” (Which, in all truth, is probably a bigger indicator of poor con-table performance than some outside force.) Worse even than the original post are some of the comments in the thread. Like, for example, a comic shop owner who, when confronted with a cosplayer looking to find more information on Doctor Strange, kicked said cosplayer out of their booth rather than take the opportunity to sell them some Doctor Strange books. Utterly. Baffling.

In any case, I’m not here to post a take-down or to wax on about cosplayer’s place in the comic community. There are plenty of bloggers and sites like The Mary Sue to take care of that. I’m just here to offer a simple, common-sense suggestion for artists like Mr. Broderick: If conventions aren’t profitable for you, stop going to them.

It really is that simple. We talked about this on the Trade Secrets Podcast shortly after the Denise Dorman incident, but I’ll reiterate here: From an artist or writer’s standpoint, convention attendance shouldn’t be looked at as a primary income stream. If you can’t afford to attend a convention – with everything that entails, from buying table space to travel to hotels and food – based on the primary income you make from your actual job, then don’t fucking go.

The benefits of con attendance are much more ephemeral than whether you can pay for your booth with sketch sales. Interacting with fans, taking pictures with the cosplayers who show up dressed as characters you draw and/or created, and signing books for people… that’s why you’re there. Conventions are for fans. They’re not for industry professionals. They’re not built for you to make money, they’re built for fans to meet and interact with the people who create the foundation of their favorite hobby. And, frankly, cosplayers are probably the most hardcore element of that fandom.

If I show up at your table at a convention, it is entirely likely that I already own a good chunk of your work. I’m probably not going to buy much merch from your table, because that’s not what I’m looking for. Sure, I’ll pick up the occasional special convention edition of a book or, when I’m extremely flush with cash, a piece of original art. But my con-going time is spent on interactions and signings, because I’ve already spent hundreds of dollars on a badge, hotel, travel, parking, and food just to be on the convention floor to meet you.

That time, that interaction, can make or break whether I ever buy your work in the future. I’ve had legendary negative experiences with the likes of J. Scott Campbell and Rob Leifeld, which led to me never spending a cent on their work again. On the opposite side, ECCC has given me amazing interactions with people like Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, Kurtis Weibe, Ed Brisson, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Matt Fraction, Chip Zdarsky, Terry & Rachel Dodson, Brian JL Glass, Jordie Bellaire, and innumerable others that have solidified my desire to purchase every piece of writing or art they generate.

Those interactions are why you, the comics industry professional (take special note of that particular word the next time you feel the desire to rant about the fans of your work), are at these conventions. You may not directly pay for your convention attendance through sales at that very convention, but your appearance there and treatment of the fans both at the convention and online will have a huge effect on whether you sell more books to those people in the long run.

But it’s really not that hard to figure this out: If the math ain’t right, don’t fucking show up. If those intangible benefits aren’t worth the tangible hit to your wallet, then you shouldn’t go. Pretty damned plain and simple. Good fans – real fans – are never going to fault you for saying “Sorry, guys. I just can’t afford this one.” If your mindset surrounding convention attendance is “I better sell enough to pay for this trip.”, you’re doing it wrong.

Spend the time you’re not at the convention working on making yourself more relevant to the current state of the industry so that you can make more money creating art. If no one is coming to your table, it’s not the con attendees that are the problem.

On Conventions and Complainers

Sigh. Yet another comic book industry professional has decided to project his lagging convention sales onto a segment of the community that has nothing to do with his lagging convention sales. In the tradition of ass-candy like Tony Harris and Denise Dorman, Pat Broderick has jumped onto the cosplay-hater bandwagon to whinge on Facebook about cosplayers ruining conventions and mucking with his bottom line.

Only The Beginning

Only The Beginning

I’ll have to admit, when I saw this, my very first reaction was “Who?” (Which, in all truth, is probably a bigger indicator of poor con-table performance than some outside force.) Worse even than the original post are some of the comments in the thread. Like, for example, a comic shop owner who, when confronted with a cosplayer looking to find more information on Doctor Strange, kicked said cosplayer out of their booth rather than take the opportunity to sell them some Doctor Strange books. Utterly. Baffling.

In any case, I’m not here to post a take-down or to wax on about cosplayer’s place in the comic community. There are plenty of bloggers and sites like The Mary Sue to take care of that. I’m just here to offer a simple, common-sense suggestion for artists like Mr. Broderick: If conventions aren’t profitable for you, stop going to them.

It really is that simple. We talked about this on the Trade Secrets Podcast shortly after the Denise Dorman incident, but I’ll reiterate here: From an artist or writer’s standpoint, convention attendance shouldn’t be looked at as a primary income stream. If you can’t afford to attend a convention – with everything that entails, from buying table space to travel to hotels and food – based on the primary income you make from your actual job, then don’t fucking go.

The benefits of con attendance are much more ephemeral than whether you can pay for your booth with sketch sales. Interacting with fans, taking pictures with the cosplayers who show up dressed as characters you draw and/or created, and signing books for people… that’s why you’re there. Conventions are for fans. They’re not for industry professionals. They’re not built for you to make money, they’re built for fans to meet and interact with the people who create the foundation of their favorite hobby. And, frankly, cosplayers are probably the most hardcore element of that fandom.

If I show up at your table at a convention, it is entirely likely that I already own a good chunk of your work. I’m probably not going to buy much merch from your table, because that’s not what I’m looking for. Sure, I’ll pick up the occasional special convention edition of a book or, when I’m extremely flush with cash, a piece of original art. But my con-going time is spent on interactions and signings, because I’ve already spent hundreds of dollars on a badge, hotel, travel, parking, and food just to be on the convention floor to meet you.

That time, that interaction, can make or break whether I ever buy your work in the future. I’ve had legendary negative experiences with the likes of J. Scott Campbell and Rob Leifeld, which led to me never spending a cent on their work again. On the opposite side, ECCC has given me amazing interactions with people like Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, Kurtis Weibe, Ed Brisson, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Matt Fraction, Chip Zdarsky, Terry & Rachel Dodson, Brian JL Glass, Jordie Bellaire, and innumerable others that have solidified my desire to purchase every piece of writing or art they generate.

Those interactions are why you, the comics industry professional (take special note of that particular word the next time you feel the desire to rant about the fans of your work), are at these conventions. You may not directly pay for your convention attendance through sales at that very convention, but your appearance there and treatment of the fans both at the convention and online will have a huge effect on whether you sell more books to those people in the long run.

But it’s really not that hard to figure this out: If the math ain’t right, don’t fucking show up. If those intangible benefits aren’t worth the tangible hit to your wallet, then you shouldn’t go. Pretty damned plain and simple. Good fans – real fans – are never going to fault you for saying “Sorry, guys. I just can’t afford this one.” If your mindset surrounding convention attendance is “I better sell enough to pay for this trip.”, you’re doing it wrong.

Spend the time you’re not at the convention working on making yourself more relevant to the current state of the industry so that you can make more money creating art. If no one is coming to your table, it’s not the con attendees that are the problem.

My Playstation Life

To adequately express the beginnings of my gaming hobby, I’d like to tell you about the first television I ever gamed on. It was the early 80’s, and my family had a Curtis Mathis console television. A floor-standing unit in a dark wood enclosure, with a flat top upon which sat other components. The whole thing was roughly three feet tall and slightly wider than that. It had actual click-dials on the front and a whopping 25-inch screen.

When I first started gaming, that top sported a potted plant and a pair of Rabbit Ears. Over the years a number of different components would occupy that space; everything from a turntable to a VHS deck to DVD players. Every console I owned as a kid was eventually hooked up to that TV, but it started with a Commodore Vic-20 in 1982, upon which the most commonly played games were Gorf and Radar Rat Race. It was fucking fantastic.

Throughout the 80’s, I was exposed to a wide variety of gaming systems, but my gaming was dominated by Commodore. My mother used our varying Commodore computers for work applications, but our Vic-20, Commodore 64, and Commodore 128 turned out to be absolutely fantastic gaming machines. At one point, I had over 500 games for our 64, all on 5 ¼ floppy disks. It was a pretty glorious time.

I got my first actual console gaming system – a Nintendo Entertainment System – in 1987. Having been a Commodore devotee (and only in single-digit ages), I was blithely oblivious to the rise of Atari and the industry crash. But the rise of the IBM PC was killing Commodore, so I was extremely happy to see dedicated gaming machines becoming a thing. Through the 80’s and 90’s I owned all manner of machines from an SNES, a GameBoy, a Game Gear, a ColecoVision, and even an Action Max, all of which my parents had bought (ostensibly) for me (even though my mom would steal my GameBoy to play Tetris).

I graduated high-school in the summer of ’95, and hadn’t yet decided where I was going to college. So, I was living at home and working at the local TV station (KTVZ21 in Bend, Oregon), and had – for probably the only time in my life – a ton of disposable income. I watched the chatter over the next couple of months about Sony entering the console gaming market with a system that used (gasp!) CD ROM’s instead of cartridges, and had this kinda funky-shaped control pad. When I saw some of the screenshots for games, I was in.

On launch day, I rushed out of work and into the local Fred Meyer about five minutes before they closed, and managed to grab the first gaming console I ever bought with my own money: A Playstation. I was SO FUCKING EXCITED. I rushed home, tore it open, and got it all hooked up to that very same Curtis Mathis TV. I grabbed the weird controller (no analog sticks on this one, yet), and it felt *perfect* in my hands. I emptied the box looking for the pack-in game…only to realize, too late, that there wasn’t one.

My first night with the first console I could call my own, and I was stuck with only Playstation Picks demo disc to play on it. I spent a good chunk of that first night replaying the demos for ESPN Extreme Games, Jumping Flash, and WipEout (I ignored Battle Arena Toshinden after one play). I watched all the videos on the disk of games like Destruction Derby, Ridge Racer, Warhawk, and Kileak, and went to bed having buried all of my original excitement in a heap of disappointment.

And yet, even with that kind of first impression, Sony had me hooked for life.

That Playstation survived my move from Bend to Seattle for college, the rise and fall of my first long-term relationship, and even an apartment fire. Over those years, games like WipEout, Rayman, Tenchu, Chrono Cross, the Oddworld games, the Street Fighter Alpha series, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, the Twisted Metal games, and Tony Hawk solidified gaming as an inextricable part of my life. Oh, and Soul Blade… I mustn’t forget how, for about a six month period, every Saturday afternoon became a SoulBlade party at my apartment, with between 4 and 12 people in attendance. Those were some good times, amongst which the relationship with my now wife of 16 years began.

It was a surprise to no one that the PS2 was the first consumer product I pre-ordered, and the first for which I waited in line. I entered the line at our local GameStop at 11am for a midnight launch, and I was about 100 people back. And all of these were people with pre-orders, with a separate line for those without. By the time the doors opened, the line was 4-5 people abreast and snaked across an entire floor of Bellevue Square Mall, out the door, and into the parking garage. There was a Babbage’s in the same mall with a similar line.

The PS2 amped up everything that had made me love my PS1. Even with a relatively weak launch lineup (I played a LOT of Frequency and Smuggler’s Run in those early days), it went on to have one of the greatest game libraries in the history of console gaming. It’s a library that’s still playable to this day, with games that stand the test of time better than I ever thought they would.

I had friends, at this time, who were huge fans of the Xbox. No matter how many times I played game on it, I just couldn’t bring myself to love it the way I loved my PS2. I had some great times at Halo LAN parties, but the system could just never compare to the experiences I had with some of my now-favorite game franchises like Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank. If the PS1 was really what solidified me as a gamer, it was the PS2 that made me a true Playstation fan. I never owned nor cared about the Dreamcast, and Nintendo had become an afterthought.

Which is why it came as exactly zero surprise to anyone when my wife and I decided to get in line for the launch of the Playstation 3. Being such a huge Playstation fan was a tiny bit awkward at this point, since I was working for Nintendo at the time. Taking vacation days for the launch of a competitor’s console may not have been the smartest move, but I didn’t really care. This is where my fandom tipped from hardcore to a tiny bit insane. I got off work on a Tuesday night, picked up my wife, and headed to the local Best Buy, where a line had already formed for the 12:01 Friday morning launch. We brought a pavilion to keep the rains off and had an air mattress in the bed of my pickup to sleep in. Yeah, that’s right: we camped in line for two and a half days in the rain and wind for our launch PS3’s.

Through all of that, I honestly tried to get into other consoles. I’ve owned an N64, and Xbox, a GameCube, a Wii and an Xbox 360. None of them ever stuck. The worst was the 360, which we bought for relatively cheap about three years after launch, and it just… sat. I played a bit of Halo on it, and then never touched it again.

Even through nine years working at Nintendo, through the entire lifespan of the Wii, I was still a hardcore Playstation fan. Everything from their console and controller design to their video capabilities to their first-party game properties just drew me in and held on tight. Now, I’ve got a household with three backward-compatible PS3’s, a PS4, a PSP Go (yeah, I’m the guy that bought one), and two PSVitas.

Today, as Japan celebrates 20 years of Playstation, I look back at the 19 years I’ve had them in my life and realized just how huge an impact they’ve had on me as a gamer. Some of my fondest nostalgia still resides in the Nintendo of the 80’s and early 90’s, but as much as I loves me some Mega Man and Super Mario World, there is no gaming company that has influenced me nearly as much as Sony. Well over half my life has been spent gaming on Playstation hardware, and I can’t imagine gaming with anyone else, anymore.

Happy birthday, Playstation. Here’s to another 20 years of awesome.

I Am Luke’s Nagging Self-Doubt

Well, following the release of my debut novel – which isn’t getting much coverage, as expected, but is getting overwhelmingly positive reviews and feedback – I’ve now entered the debilitating self-doubt phase of my writing career. Work on the second book has stalled, primarily because I’m struggling desperately to force myself to put aside distraction and get back on the ball with writing.

And yet, the part of my brain screaming that I’m a fraud, that I got lucky, that eventually the 1 Star reviews will start boiling over, that my ideas for the furtherance of the series are trash, that I’m just going to trample over any goodwill built by the first book (if it’s even real) by writing down my shit ideas, that I can’t possibly follow up what I’ve started… yeah, that part of my brain is what’s dominating at the moment.

I’ve dribbled bits and parts into the new book. I’ve finished the first draft of the first two chapters, and I’m starting to feel like Atreyu’s horse in The NeverEnding Story. I’m hoping that putting this out there will spur me back into a rhythm of some sort; get me moving forward, even if it’s just a few hundred words a day.

What I don’t understand about this particular bit of brain-chemistry chucklefuckery is why I never felt this way when writing Construct. Having never published before, the writing process for Construct – while significantly more elongated than I intend with book 2 – was more… exciting. I was more driven, and never seemed to get mired in the sort of misgivings and apprehension upon which my head now bangs.

Now, having published a book that’s real and out and in people’s hands, and seeing that the people who are reading it legitimately love it (even though this same part of me tries to tell me that it’s all thinly veiled bullshit), you’d think all that would be a confidence boost. In actuality, I’m struggling more to get motivated now than I ever did with Construct. Was it ignorance, back then? Naivete? Has the pendulum of my confidence really swung so far opposite?

One foot in front of the other. I just need to try to get some words down. Something. Anything. Even if it’s crap, just remember that it can always be edited. Persevere. Overcome.


50 Books In 2014

I’m a somewhat slow reader, depending on how interested in a book I am. If I love a book I can burn through it at lightning speed, but if I’m struggling, I can take forever. It took me over a year to finish the fifth book of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, Soul of the Fire, because I just couldn’t get into it (read: it was fucking terrible). And it’s a series I haven’t gone back to, even though my wife tells me that Faith of the Fallen is one of the best. Anyhoo…

I decided, kind of on a whim, that I would try to read 50 books over the course of 2014. I see a lot of people make huge claims about the volume of books they read in a year, some boasting numbers over 100. I even, recently, saw someone claim to read 350 books every year, upon which I thither summon “bullshit”. My own totals usually hover around 20, so my goal with the challenge was first to see what it would take to churn through a larger quantity in a single year, and simultaneously use the goal to read a number of books which I feel I should’ve read a long time ago.

I started out fine, setting myself a goal of one book per week, and sticking pretty well to it. I got tripped up on a couple of books that turned out to be either worse or just more dense than I was expecting, so now I’m WAY behind on the goal, having only just started my 31st book of the year. I’ve got 19½ books left, and only 10 weeks to finish them.

Here’s what I’ve read so far this year:

1. The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steig Larsson
2. Summer Knight by Jim Butcher
3. Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
4. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
5. Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig
6. Kushiel’s Dart by Jaqueline Carey – This was the first book to set me back. I actually really loved it, but it’s way longer than I was expecting, clocking in at 934 very dense pages.
7. Vessel: The Advent by Tominda Adkins
8. The King In Yellow by Robert W. Chambers
9. Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb
10. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
11. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
12. Death Masks by Jim Butcher
13. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
14. Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
15. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
16. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas – This was my second stumbling block, this time because of quality. I know I’m in the minority amongst fantasy readers, but I just can. not. stand. the main character in this book. This one was a struggle.
17. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
18. The Black Company by Glen Cook
19. Gardens of the Moon by Steven Eriksson – Setback number 3. For the first time in a long time, this is a book that I not only disliked, but cannot for the life of me find what others like about it. It’s such a widely loved series that I thought there had to be something, but if it’s there, it eludes me.
20. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin
21. Mockingbird by Chuck Wendig
22. ‘salem’s Lot by Stephen King
23. Divergent by Veronica Roth
24. Alpha by Greg Rucka
25. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
26. Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb
27. Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
28. Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey
29. Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
30. Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch – A minor slowdown, here. This book was fine, but I didn’t like it nearly as much as The Lies of Locke Lamora, which made it a bit of a struggle for me.
31. (currently reading) True Grit by Charles Portis

So far, of the books listed above, my favorites have been The Lies of Locke Lamora, Annihilation, The Handmaid’s Tale, Robin Hobb’s Assassin books, and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

And, yes, this was the first time I’d read all the way through Hitchhiker’s Guide. When I was in high-school, I somehow read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe first and, only upon finishing it was I informed that it was the second book. I tried to start HHGTTG several times and never finished it, until now.

As big a fantasy nut as I am, I’d never read any of the Pern or Earthsea books, an error I will now rectify. I hope to finish both trilogies as part of this challenge. In addition to those series’, my TBR pile contains the rest of the Dresden Files books, the remainder of the first Black Company trilogy, Insurgent and Allegiant, Assassin’s Quest, Authority and Acceptance, the Mistborn trilogy, the rest of the Hitchhiker’s books, more Harry Potter, some Vorkosigan Saga, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest, The Cormorant, Warlock by Oakley Hall, the first Expanse book Leviathan Wakes, and the ridiculous award magnet Ancillary Justice.

Not sure how many of those I’ll get to, but I only need to read 19 of ‘em to meet my goal.



My Interview on Caravan Girl

Last week, I did an interview with author and book blogger Rachael Rippon for her site Caravan Girl. Visit her site for some great reviews of self-published books and interviews with their authors: Here’s my interview, in all it’s glory.

What is your history? Have you always been a writer?

Not specifically, no. I went to college for computer animation, with the intention of working in special effects. My timing was way off. By the time I’d graduated, CGI had gone through a boom and the bubble had burst, overloading the industry with over-qualified, out-of-work animators. As a fresh graduate, I couldn’t even get an interview, much less a decent job, so I followed up an internship at Wizards of the Coast with a job there.

I’m a pretty big geek, and loved working for WotC, so I kind of set aside my creative pursuits for a while. I was there for four years before they laid me off, at which point I landed at Nintendo, where I worked up until 2013. At the beginning of last year, I had a very serious discussion with my wife about the future, which led to me leaving Nintendo to be a full-time writer/house-husband.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

As a little kid? A marine biologist. I wanted to work with sea lions and otters, mostly. I’m not sure what really happened to that desire, but I know it shifted to more artistic pursuits once I was in high-school.

What is your favourite genre to write in?

Fantasy, without question. I like melding genres, somewhat, but no matter what I write it tends to have some sort of fantasy element. In addition to The Chronicler Saga, I have an idea for a western series… with a fantasy twist.

Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what?

I do. I absolutely cannot listen to anything with lyrics, though. I find it fascinating that any writer can actually concentrate when music with lyrics is playing in the background. It is so damned distracting.

I use Pandora a lot. I know that in the age of Spotify, saying I use Pandora is akin to me declaring my love for MySpace, but I still love it. I have three different stations for writing: If I just need mellow background music, I have a classical station originally based on Beethoven. If I need tension or atmosphere, I have one based on Nick Cave & Warren Ellis. If I’m writing action, I have one based on Hans Zimmer.

All of them have morphed and expanded some, but the basis gives you an inkling of their content.

Why did you decide to self-publish?

Control, primarily. I’d been going the query letter route for a while, but even while I was querying agents I wasn’t sure it was the right path. I received my fair share of rejections and non-responses, which gave me time to really think about it. I decided that I wanted to have control over the IP if it ever came down to it. Were my stories to take off, the idea of the right’s being dumped off piecemeal by a publisher with little to no input from me seemed appalling.

It’s a trade-off, though. Self-publishing is a lot more work for me, and more of an initial expenditure. I paid for editors and my own cover art, and I did all of the eBook design myself. The actual process of setting up the book for publishing is a hell of a lot of work. Luckily, I really enjoyed all the different aspects.

Do you think the negative stigma surrounding self-publishing is still there?

Absolutely. I even encounter it with my friends. People I know who’ve read the book will say things like “It’s actually really good!” It’s that “actually” that defines the stigma. The automatic expectation is for it to be bad, riddled with errors, or both. And that’s not an un-earned reputation, unfortunately. With the barrier to entry so low, a lot of self-published authors are fine with half-assing their work in favor of quantity or making a quick buck. Others inadvertently half-ass because they don’t know any better.

The other issue, of course, is the difficulty of discoverability and the lack of curation. It’s not easy for a reader to find the authors that rise above the dreck. My only advice, there, is research. If a self-published book catches your fancy, take the time to look into the author further. Is their website professional? Is the excerpt or preview of their book free of errors? Do they have an editor listed? Just as there is more work for a self-published author to get their book into readers’ hands, there’s more work for readers to sift through and find the gems. It can really be worth it, though.

What advice do you have for aspiring self-published authors?

Two bits: First, get an editor. However you can. The author who can reliably self-edit is a unicorn. Every artistic person in the world, be them writers, sculptors, painters, or crafters of hand-knit turtle cozies on Etsy, gets caught in art-blindness. You’ll stare at words for so long and read them so many times that you’ll just lose all sense of the errors in the text. That can only be solved by setting aside ego and collaborating with a second pair of eyes, preferably professional. If not an editor, at least a trusted group of beta-readers. Someone else has to look at your text, and you have to be open to changes.

Second, don’t skimp on the design work. Get a good cover. Do some interior design. The automatic conversion software from most of the digital self-publishing services is only just adequate. A lot of tinkering can be done to make the interior pages of an ebook – even with reflowable text – look a lot better than what their software can produce, especially if you take the time to learn some basic HTML/CSS. If you’re unable or unwilling to learn, then hire someone to do the design work for you. It’s absolutely worth it.

Is your goal to be traditionally published? If so, why?

Not specifically, no. If, down the road, I can sell one of my books to a publisher, I may go that route. I’m a pretty hardcore control freak when it comes to the IP rights for things I create, though, so I’m not sure I’d be able to negotiate a satisfactory contract with a traditional publisher. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that choice, I just don’t think it’s for me.

What are you writing at the moment?

Most of my time is spent working on the second book in The Chronicler Saga series, at the moment. I have a couple of other projects I’m dabbling with – a script for an 8-issue comic book series, and the aforementioned western idea – but the continuation of theConstruct story is my primary focus.

What can readers expect in the next installment of The Chronicler Saga?

I’m not sure how much I can give away this soon after the first book’s release, but the second book will be an expanded look at some of your favorite characters from Construct. New characters will be introduced and the plot will be significantly expanded. There’ll be some pretty fantastic surprises for fans of the first book that I’m really looking forward to seeing the reactions to. It’ll be fun.

Curating Your Own Social Media Feed

I had an interesting experience on Facebook recently, that highlighted a topic I’d like to discuss: the curation of social media feeds.

A discussion began on Facebook regarding Ello, a new social network that’s gone viral pretty quickly, focusing on Ello’s (current) lack of a “Block/Report” function. A Facebook friend talked about how she has to deal with assholes in her Facebook and Twitter feeds all the time.

Side note: This particular discussion never entered the realms of gender bias, misogyny, or harassment that have been highly visible of late. This was just dealing with general asshattery

I entered the conversation to discuss how it’s an issue I rarely have to deal with. She, and another in the thread, discussed how they would friend people on Facebook, or follow them back on Twitter, who seemed initially normal, but then some national event would occur that would cause them to fly their douchwaffle flag high, and how every few months she’d have to go on a Blocking spree.

At this point, I said that I spend a lot of time and energy curating and pruning my social media feeds, specifically to avoid these sorts of encounters. She snarked that I’m “lucky to NEVER have to deal” with assholes. I replied by saying I don’t consider it “luck”, to which she took personal offense, blew up at me a little bit (lots of expletives were used), then unfriended me.

I hadn’t been Facebook friends with her long, but in that short time we’d had a ton of reasonable and fun conversations. She’s a fellow author and geek, and we have a lot of common interests. After months of positive interactions, this one seemingly trivial disagreement was enough for her to sever that connection.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m never going to fault a person for unfriending me. Especially after I’d just espoused the idea that pruning social media feeds is prudent and can lead to a better experience. I’m also not that broken up about the “loss”, because – as I see it – if you unfriend/unfollow me from your end, then you’ve saved me a click.

It does, however, serve to illustrate how my social media philosophy differs with many (most?) people. I see many complaining about the things they see in their social media feeds on a daily basis. It might be politics or entertainment or just frivolous crap, but a prevailing attitude seems to be “I can’t believe this bullshit shows up in my feed.” But, here’s the thing: YOU are the master of your social media feeds. You control what you see and do not see, and if there are people spouting shit that you don’t want to read, it is neither their fault, nor the fault of the social media platform. It’s all on you.

I will make one clarification: I understand that one does not necessarily control everything they see on Twitter. Without making your Twitter profile private, anyone can see what you post and anyone can @-reply you, so it’s pretty easy for asshats to harass people by posting ignorant bullshit in @-replies. This is difficult to control, and gets worse and worse the more popular you are on Twitter. So, when I’m talking about “curating your feed”, I specifically mean the people you Friend on Facebook – which is an entirely different, two-way relationship – and the people you actually Follow on Twitter.

A lot of people will complain that the people they follow on Twitter aren’t that bad, but the shit they retweet is crazytown bananapants. I hate to break this to everyone, but retweets are just as indicative if someone’s opinion as their normal posts, unless they’re retweeting ironically (which happens a lot, but usually you can tell). If you can’t stand the shit that someone’s retweeting – and you can’t tell if they’re doing it in a joking fashion – then, actually, you can’t stand that person’s Twitter feed.

It is, in my opinion, even worse to complain about an influx of ignorant bullshit or abuse on Facebook. When someone sends you a friend request, it requires your approval. You are responsible for any and everything that shows up in your Facebook feed, with the exception of the occasional post that shows up when one of your friends comments on it (and, in that case, it shouldn’t piss you off because you’re not directly involved in any way). But, in both cases, what you see in your actual feed is all on you.

None of this is to say that I don’t ever seen stupid shit on social media. The difference, I think, is that I research the people I friend and follow (unless I know them in real life). So, if that kind of garbage exists in their feed already, I actively work to prevent it from getting into my feed. On both Twitter and Facebook, this manifests in reading a person’s individual feed before following them or accepting a friend request and/or preemptively blocking asswipes before they ever become a problem for me.

The worst attitude I see regarding social media – and yet the one that’s probably the most common – is that a friend/follow relationship on a site is somehow obligatory. As though one needs to fight to maintain said relationships like they were a real friendship. Or that if someone follows you on a lurk site like Twitter, that you’re somehow obligated to follow them back without looking into them beforehand until the nature of their idiocy is revealed in full glory.

As much as I want to be sympathetic when someone talks about their feed filling up with detritus, I just can’t. You put yourself there. Just a bit more effort, a bit more due diligence at the outset, will prevent a world of annoyance and frustration later on. That effort has measurable results, which is why I don’t consider my social media feeds’ lack of choad-yodelers “luck”. It’s also why I didn’t take offense or, really, care much when I was unfriended for my opinion on the matter.

For me, social media management decisions are easy. I don’t agonize over them or worry about what someone thinks. I’m quick on the draw with the “block” button, and have zero compunctions unfriending and unfollowing people. It’s made my online presence a much happier place, and it’s a philosophy that I think more people should adopt.